Care Home Proxy Access for Repeat Medication:
NHS Lincolnshire ICB are working with NHSE&I and the Lincolnshire Enhanced Health in Care Homes (EHCH) Steering Group to support PCN rollout of proxy ordering of repeat medication in care homes.
Proxy access allows authorised care home staff to view a residents GP repeat medication record and request medication online on their behalf.
One of the main benefits is a much more efficient ordering process for both the care home and GP practice staff, saving time and reducing risk.
To support practices and care homes we have produced a Lincolnshire 'Step by Step' guide which contains templates, data sharing agreements and standard operation procedures that can be used to implement proxy ordering.
Useful Care Home Documents
CD Scheduling Poster
Here you will find a poster designed to be displayed in care homes. This helps to see which drugs are Controlled drugs, and what storage and record keeping requirements are needed for each schedule. This also includes legal requirements, as well as best practice for care homes.
Good Practice for Managing Controlled Drugs in Care homes
This document provides a detailed explanation of good practice for managing Controlled Drugs in care homes. It sets out the requirements that all care homes need to follow from booking in CDs, storage requirements, recording and disposal of CDs.
Safe Storage of Medication in Care Homes
A visual poster to outline the requirements for storing each category of medication safely in the care home.
Lincolnshire Care Policies and Procedures
The Lincolnshire Care Homes Medicines Management Policy and Procedures, and the Safe Administration of Medicines Procedure have been developed as Lincolnshire Integrated Care System policies, with input from multiple organisations and professionals and following NICE guidance for managing medicines.
These policies are part of the care homes contract with Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) and should be followed by all residential settings as part of their governance.
Care homes are required to attend training on how to utilise the policy and procedures and bespoke it to their individual care setting. This can be arranged by contacting LinCA & CareinLincs at Care homes should not use these documents until training has been completed.
Critical Medicines Poster for Care Homes
This poster is designed to be displayed in the care home to support carers identify the most common critical medicine’s that should NEVER be omitted unless there is a valid clinical or safety reason that the medicine cannot be given. All medicines are important, but some are classed as critical or time sensitive and a delay or omitting these could worsen symptoms.