General Practice Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (GP CPCS)

GP CPCS is a digital GP referral method that offers patients the option of having a face-to-face appointment or remote consultation with a pharmacist (usually the same day) following an initial triage by a practice care navigator for a range of minor illnesses. Should the patient need to be escalated or referred to an alternative service, the pharmacist can arrange this and will also share a summary with the GP practice of the consultation for the patient’s medical record.

The aim of the service is to help alleviate pressure on GP appointments and emergency departments, in addition to harnessing the skills and medicines knowledge of pharmacists. It is believed that 6-10% of practice appointment capacity could be effectively directed into community pharmacy.

Lincolnshire ICB have agreed  funding until 31st March 2024 for a system that will make referral easier for GP practices (both EMIS & TTP) using EMIS web-based software, known as ITK software.  This financial year those not yet signed up need to follow an approval process via the ICS to get access paid for. If the system is utilised by GP practices, further extensions to this funding will be considered. 

The snomed codes for recording GP CPCS referrals can be found below:

  • 1362511000000107 |Referral to Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (procedure)
  • 1362521000000101 |Referral to Community Pharmacist Consultation Service refused (situation)

The Lincolnshire Medical Council (LMC) and the Local Pharmaceutical Committee (LPC) have developed a local toolkit to support practice implementation. The documents are linked below.

We are really keen to support Practices (where possible) to implement GP CPCS. Each ICS area has a designated GP-CPCS Lead, for your region this is who will be Stuart Hellon ( happy to help with any queries you may have around implementation. Please also contact for a list of participating pharmacies, script for frontline triage staff and / or EMIS compatible referral form.