November 2023 Update

Following a successful  trial of holding one joint prescribing forum please see our next prescribing forum date.

The Lincolnshire Prescribing Forum will bring you a wealth of information from across the whole Lincolnshire system, linking in closely with the valuable work you are all doing within your current areas.

As this is your forum we welcome ideas around what you would like to see, topics of discussion and any other expectations or concerns you may have around medication & prescribing in Lincolnshire.

After the event you will be emailed a survey to let us know your thoughts and for you to inform us of any ideas you may have.

If you are working on any projects or workstreams that you would like to share with others, any good practice you would like to shout about, please don't hesitate to get in touch as we would love to have you on the forum to share the work you are doing with the rest of Lincolnshire.

Thank you for supporting the forum and we look forward to welcoming you all on Monday the 15th of January at 12:30pm.

To be invited to the forum, provide feedback on previous forums or to suggest future agenda items for discussion, please contact