Lincolnshire Pain Star

Lincolnshire Pain Star was developed by the Lincolnshire Opioids for Non-Cancer Pain Clinical Reference Group (CRG).

The CRG’s mission is to provide education and support for all those living with persistent pain in Lincolnshire, whilst promoting safe and rational prescribing and deprescribing of opioid medication where appropriate.

Progress towards this mission is facilitated through working towards 5 aims. These are:

  1. Access to community-based education and support for all those living with chronic pain
  2. Accessible resources and education for healthcare professionals
  3. Raising awareness around pain and opioids
  4. Clear pathways to and from specialist care
  5. Supporting careful, collaborative opioid tapering where appropriate

The Pain Star is a visual representation of these 5 aims and has become the centre piece of our website. Access to all of our information, resources and educational sessions can be found by clicking on the different points of the star.








Our Team:

The Lincolnshire Pain Star has been developed Lincolnshire Opioids for Non-Cancer Pain Clinical Reference Group. The CRG is attended by representatives from across the system, both within Lincolnshire and beyond. 

Clinical Lead: Dr Graham Dunthorne

Dr Graham Dunthorne is a GP by background, who has specialised as a GP with Extended Role (GPwER) in Pain Management since 2019. He completed an MSc in Pain Management (Primary and Community Care) in 2022, writing on hypnosis for chronic pain in his dissertation. He works within his local community pain management service, represents the Royal College of General Practice for pain and chairs the Primary and Community Care Specialist Interest Group for the British Pain Society. He delivers national teaching on pain self-management with Live Well with Pain and is an Empowered Relief Instructor.