Professional Pain Café

The Professional Pain Café will be a similar format to the Patient Pain Café – each session with a 20minute teaching session on one of the Footsteps, followed by an opportunity to discuss specific cases and ask questions to our Pain Specialists.

To register for the event on the 17th September from 12:00 to 13:00. Please use the link below:

10-Footsteps Training

The Live Well With Pain 10 Footsteps is an online programme for developing confidence in pain self-management.

Pain scientists have shown that a biopsychosocial approach is more effective in managing chronic pain than the traditional medical model.

This is why Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), with its ‘five areas’ model of person-centred care, is increasingly seen as a useful framework for encouraging the development of self-management skills.

Ten Footsteps to Living Well with Pain builds on this five areas model, encouraging people to see how the different dimensions of their life have all been impacted by their pain – and how, in turn, making changes in their life can have a positive effect on how they experience their pain.

If you want to read more for yourself here is the online practitioner guide to the 10 Footsteps:

Ten Footsteps – a practitioners’ guide - Live Well with Pain

The patient version can be found here:

Ten Footsteps to Living Well with Pain - Live Well with Pain


Training Opportunity

The clinical reference group currently have a limited number of FREE places available in the 12 hour (3x4session) full course on how to start discussions with patients and hear from those with lived experience, if you are interested in attending please contact

These are open to any healthcare professional that has patient contact, we have so far trained Social Prescribers, Health and Wellbeing Coaches, Pharmacists, Physiotherapists and GPs.


AccuRX Template

The team have also produced text for an AccuRX template that can be sent to patients:

"Empowered relief is a two-hour online workshop which can support patients living in Lincolnshire with chronic pain. We know medication often has limited benefits in managing long-term chronic pain and the techniques taught in Empowered Relief are often a safer and a more effective way for managing symptoms. The sessions cover skills that people can use every day and helps create a personalised plan for long-term relief. The workshops take place throughout the year and if you want to find out more visit or email "